Since we started, we have consistently taken measures to ensure that our platform makes online trading and investing accessible to anyone. By keeping a balance between giving easy access to beginners and improving upon important elements for more experienced traders, we have solidified ourself as the world's leading social trading platform. We offer both short-term options for day traders and long-term options for investors, such that our innovative fully managed thematic portfolio will be available for them. We also acknowledge that different traders have different risk-appetites, and offer instruments varying from low to high risk. Our tools are easy to use, and we make all of the information on the platform accessible on both our web interface and in our mobile app which is yet to come. It is no wonder that more than 6 million people worldwide choose us as their preferred trading platform.
Your money is held in segregated company bank accounts in accordance with the FCA's client money rules
Your money is held with top-tier banks and we have trust letters in place to ensure your money remains segregated from the assets of the bank .
We enforce robust bank review and monitoring guidelines which are set by the Risk Committee of GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc.
We never engage in proprietary trading that result in termination of our connection with london stock exchange.
We do not share your information unless required to do so by law and/or unless we have your express consent to do so or have another legal basis for sharing such information, e.g., to complete a transaction requested by you, or to prevent fraud. If we share your information with any third party we will do so under our High level authorization.
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